Recommended software
Here are the websites and programmes we constantly recommend to (second and third year) students.
Customise your browsers and code editors with extensions to help you work more effectively.
Code editor
- Visual Studio Code. Set your computer up so your folders show file extensions.
Web browsers
You should start collecting these. Find, download and use as many as you can get your hands on. We recommend staying away from Internet Explorer while you are learning to code.
Both of these browsers have very useful web developer tools. Learn how to use these and they will make your life easier and your coding better.
- Figma design app: collaborative design tool you can use in a browser or as an app. You can also download the Figma Mirror for iOS to view your designs on a mobile while you’re working on them.
Everything else
- Prepros build tools: the free version is nagware but still allows you to do live refresh and view your site on different devices while you build it.
- FileZilla and WinSCP are FTP programmes to make it easier to upload to your 34sp webspace.